Happy Blogging Birthday to me

We usually set off on a journey to go somewhere, but when I set off down the motorways of my mind it was a case of 'destination unknown'. And still is. Like I said in the first ever entry, it's not just about the where we go to but about how we are moving, how we enjoy the ride, what direction in life we are taking. Good ol' Wendell did have a point.
In this last year I seem to have travelled so far, in my head that is. The wheels just keep turning and my tank does a quite a few miles to the gallon. With that first entry one whole year ago I pulled off the slip road and in to the main traffic. Lots of things have happened this year; there have been lots of Little Chef and Autogrill stops along the way, but still I motor along. Well, maybe more like chugging along at the moment, but nevertheless still moving. Actually, this year that I have completed with my words seems to have gone pretty fast. It doesn't feel like it was a year I started this, it doesn't feel I've really written that much. Yet I can get quite happily lost in words on a page. I suppose Time does fly when you're having fun.
I am not really a fast driver - driving fast and straight doesn't really do it for me. Well ok, I admit, sometimes I can't resist putting my foot down in everything I do. Sometimes I have to. I feel the need..the need for speed. Moreso for me is the need to feel I am driving, I like to feel the car that I am driving along in. I need to feel the steering wheel in my hands, the gear changes, the corners, the (hand)braking and twiddle some knobs and flick some switches and stuff on the dashboard. It's the handling of the car for me, not so much the speed. At the end of the day, how can you really appreciate the performance of a car if you don't drive it? I don't want to feel like a passenger in life. Oh, and let's not forget the stereo. Oh man, no way can I forget the stereo... It is permanently turned on, music 24-7, turned on like my mind.
So, the motor is running and I'm ready to pull out of this anniversary pitstop, I've got shit to do. I'll speak to you on Sunday. Maybe I should invest in a TomTom for this coming blog year...